Tag Archives: Man of Steel

Nerd News Roundup

With the Labor Day weekend upon us which officially marks the end of the Summer movie season and beginning of that awkward phase before the Christmas movie season ramps up, everyone seems to have packed up their suitcases full of cocaine, piled the hookers in the back of the limo, and headed out of town for the long weekend.

As such, I’ve only got one piece of news today.

Batman v. Superman

The film will start shooting in Detroit next year.



Residents are advised to wear the standard flak jackets they were issued upon moving to Detroit and stay indoors until Robocop shows up.

Thank you, I’ll be here all week. Tip your waiters.


Nerd News Roundup

Thor: The Dark World

Here’s the trailer, folks

Having watched it, I’m trying to focus on the fact that I really liked the last Thor movie instead of the fact that the last time I watched a movie that involved Natalie Portman jetting around the galaxy with space wizards and aliens, I came away feeling like my childhood had been bludgeoned to death with a Gungan.

Ender’s Game

And the trailer for this one:

Batman vs. Superman

For some reason, I’m less excited about this movie and more increasingly filled with a deep abiding hatred for it. Maybe that’s my nerd brain’s self-defense mechanism kicking in making sure that my expectations for this film are nil so I’ll be pleasantly surprised by it when it doesn’t completely suck.

Or maybe I’m just pissy about it because I can’t stand arbitrary conflict for the sake of conflict.

Or maybe it’s because the whole shebang seems less like it was the end result of a serious planning meeting and more like something someone in Marketing pulled out of their ass so the WB wouldn’t seem like total wankers at ComicCon as Marvel was hyping their movie about the Ent and the talking raccoon and how it fit into their plans for an overall movie universe.

Regardless, I suppose if we’re going for an ‘older’ Batman, you could do a lot worse than Jeffery Dean Morgan.

Spiderman Tu-tu

In addition to the 25 or so confirmed villains in the movie, there may be another hero helping out Peter Parker.

But will it have a dance number?

Nerd News: Man of Steel trailer

If the first trailer looked melancholy, and the follow ups looked inspirational, this one is the ‘seriously, we understand, you really want to see Superman punch someone’ trailer.

To which I say:


Nerd News Roundup


The big buzz in nerd world is that director Bryan Singer tweeted that he plans to include Quicksilver in the X-men sequel. Since Quicksilver and his sister the Scarlett Witch are shared characters between Fox and Marvel and since Joss Whedon has already revealed that he planned to include them in the Avengers 2, this has led to a lot of fan chatter about whether or not this means that Evan Peters (recently cast in X-men: Days of Future Past as Quicksilver) will cross over into the Marvel U in Avengers 2 as the speedster. And if this means that Fox and Disney are hammering out licensing agreements that might end with maybe seeing some X-men in future Avengers movies.

Either way, it’s still a good time to be a nerd.

Avengers 2

Speaking of the Avengers and the Scarlett Witch, actress Saoirse Ronan has heard of the rumors that they wrote the character thinking of her and would like to try out for the role herself

I have heard about it and yes, I would. Yeah, of course I would. I love Joss and I love those films, and I love his handle on them and how he portrayed these kinds of superheroes. I think it’s very different from what anyone else has done. So yeah, I’d love to be in it.


Henry Cavill, soon to be seen as the titular character in Man of Steel, would like to do a World’s Finest movie, teaming up with Batman.

Star Wars

Do you want to see a life size reproduction of an X-wing starfighter made out of Legos?

Of course you do, fellow nerd.